Add or Replace LUKS YubiKey

Create a reliable backup of your files!

This chapter describes how to add a new YubiKey or replace an YubiKey for an already encrypted LUKS volume.

You need these things:

  • Your current (old) YubiKey
  • Your new Yubikey
  • Make sure YubiKey login is disabled

This is only needed if you don't have the secret key of your current YubiKey and if you want to replace it with another YubiKey or to add a second different YubiKey. See Replace a faulty YubiKey if you want to initialize a new YubiKey with the secret key.

If you are changing the passphrase of your new YubiKey, don't forget to update the YKFDE_CHALLENGE in /etc/ykfde.conf

Prepare your new YubiKey like described in chapter 03: Prepare 2nd slot if not already done.

Display current used LUKS key slots with cryptsetup luksDump /dev/[device 4th partition].

Disable YubiKey login

If you use YubiKey login, disable it and reread chapter 07: Enable YubiKey Login after this procedure. To disable YubiKey login open the file /etc/pam.d/system-auth and comment out the line:

auth   required mode=challenge-response chalresp_path=/var/yubico

Use another tty to test it.

Add an YubiKey to LUKS

Execute ykfde-enroll -d /dev/[device 4th partition] -s [keyslot_number] -o. The option -o uses the old YubiKey for the passphrase. Ensure your new YubiKey is inserted, you will be asked to insert the old YubiKey.

Killing a LUKS key slot

Ensure you are not killing a wrong key slot and make sure another key slot is working.

To test which YubiKey belongs to which key slot execute ykfde-open -d /dev/[device 4th partition] -s [keyslot_number] -t.

Execute ykfde-enroll -d /dev/[device 4th partition] -s [keyslot_number] -k. The option -k kills the slot.

Replacing existing LUKS key slot

It is recommended to add a new YubiKey to another slot and kill the other slot if all things work.

Execute ykfde-enroll -d /dev/[device 4th partition] -s [keyslot_number] -o -c. The option -c changes the key slot.