Getting Started

You can use the file scripts/arch/

For common stuff, the Arch Wiki is a good starting point. You need a bootable Arch Linux medium. Please take a look at the Arch installation guide en / de.

Ok, you've create a bootable Arch Linux medium, now it's time to boot into the Arch Linux UEFI system.

German users should execute loadkeys de (QWERTZ keyboard layout) in the tty prompt first.

Let's install minimal packages to get started of full disk encryption with YubiKey.

pacman -Sy yubikey-manager yubikey-personalization pcsc-tools libu2f-host make json-c cryptsetup

Now start the smartcard service

systemctl start pcscd.service

and our connected YubiKey should be listed with

ykman list

That's it, now let's go over to the next chapter which describes how to prepare disks.